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Friends of the Garden
Hallowed ground reserved for people who have supported us along the way-
Dan, our amazing graphics guy's personal website
Tool Shed
Handy sites for indie devs-
Superb archive of articles about game design
Mike and John blog about their experiences as 30 something developers
It is (or will be) the ultimate thread for indie dev resources. Right now its still under construction but its already HUGE
Goldmine of info geared towards indies including reviews and lots of lists!
Sites we dig (games)
Your average blog about video games..NOT
Unique indie dev social networking site and a wicked hub of artists and sound people too.
Great weblog covering the latest and greatest in the indie games world
All the indie game news you need to know
News and reviews about games that cost lest than $15 a pop
Forums and review hub specifically for iOS
Sites we dig (music)
The guys behind the Osmos OST and just a great and happening place to discover new electronic music
HUGE online community of VGM remixers
Active community of retro VGM enthusiasts